Sjø, leilighet og sol! VĂ¥rt motto omskriver den berømte Serge Gainsbourg-sangen som feirer sommeren pĂ¥ hans egen, spesielle mĂ¥te! Det gjør vi ogsĂ¥! Velkommen til Proimos Maisonnettes, et trestjerners hotell hvor du kan slappe av og nyte enkle og essensielle ting: sjøen, fuglesang om morgenen, solen, stranden, kokkens daglige spesialiteter, late dager ved svømmebassenget, frokost i hagen, cocktailer om kvelden, Platanias restauranter og natteliv og mye, mye mer.
Proimos Maisonnettes was initially built in 1986 by Vasilis and Ioanna Proimos and was designed by architect Maria Proimaki-Polatou, their cousin. Constantinos, their son, inherited this small hotel in 2002 when Vasilis passed away and since then he has been implementing small changes every year in order to follow his dream to create a wonderful and small beach boutique hotel. Constantinos teaches philosophy and history of art at the university. He is married to Anna, a primary school teacher and they have three sons, Vasilis, the oldest and the twins Menelaos and Yannis, great experts in making trouble.
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